Click here to learn more about the More For You. Close to Home. capital campaign!
Foundation Leadership
Leigh Williams, MPA, CFRE
Executive Director
Rachel Caudle
Annual Giving Manager
(615) 435-5147
Donna Dejaynes
Development Coordinator
(615) 435-5146
Stephanie Wracher
Volunteer Services Manager
(615) 435-5429
Board of Directors
Vicki McNamara, Chair
Pam Stephens, Vice Chair
Phyllis Molyneux, Secretary
Larry Westbrook, Treasurer
Jerry Batte
Hamilton Bowman
Mary Kate Brown
Bo Butler
Jeff Carson
Denise Demers
Lynn Dugas
Michael Kaplan
Dr. Karl Kuhn
Jim Lackey
Dr. Colin Looney
Phil Mazzuca
Lisa Nierste Morris
Charles Pareigis
Jamey Parker
Jodi Rall
Jeff Walker
Emerging Leaders Council
Allie McNamara, Chair
Ann Marie Wilson, Vice Chair
Will Cross, Treasurer
Katherine Hellard, Secretary
Rieves Berry
Ross Grosvenor
Marabeth Kennedy
Lindsey Landrum
Katie McDaniel
Click here to learn more about the More For You. Close to Home. capital campaign!